Education – Tue, 28 Jun 2022 08:27:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Get More Natural Light At Home and in the Office Mon, 25 Jun 2018 11:52:42 +0000 Sunlight is vital for our health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, many of us live and work in places that don’t have access to natural light. This is usually because of the architecture of buildings. There are several ways of bringing natural light to a room that is positioned far away from the windows. Here are some of them:

1. Using the Parans System

The Parans system involves the use of fibre optic cables to transport sunlight through a building. It can carry sunlight through 30 floors while retaining its luminosity and quality. An advantage of this system is that it follows the sun through the day. This way, you enjoy natural light at all times of the day.The Paranslight SP4 system can be adapted and expanded to suit your needs. It can serve between 4 and 20 light points. The length of the cables can be customized to any size under 100 metres. As an extra advantage, dangerous IR and UV rays are filtered out of the light, meaning the light you get is almost free of radiation.

2. Architectural Light Shelves

Light shelves are horizontal surfaces that are meant to reflect light deep into a building. These surfaces are typically placed above eye level and on the side of the equator. This side usually has the maximum light. If used correctly, these shelves can eliminate the need for artificial lighting during the day. Unfortunately, light shelves cannot be used in places with intense solar gain such as deserts.Exterior sunshades are often classified as a type of light shelves. This is because they direct sunlight to the ceiling of the room. However, the main purpose of exterior sunshades is to reduce glare in a room and limit the solar heat gain.

Behind the Poker Face Fri, 04 May 2018 13:57:13 +0000 Anyone who’s attempted to play poker – whether successfully or not – can tell you that the game possesses an attraction unlike any other. Whether this is because it’s been heavily commercialized in movies, because of its association with money or due to its uncanny ability to draw people of all kinds together, there’s no doubt that poker remains the ultimate card game.

Becoming a poker player is not to be taken lightly, and amateurs are warned that the game needs to be studied beforehand. It’s important that each player plans his strategy well, is aware of his playing style, and is able to read his opponent’s body language in order to gauge his next move. If you’re a novice planning your first poker night, it’s wise to read up on the psychology behind the game and get some insightful advice for poker rookies.

While poker is usually very much associated with socialization, the introduction of online poker in recent years presents an altogether different kettle of fish. While technological advances do make online poker experiences extremely authentic, the fact that you cannot see your opponent makes it extremely difficult to predict your opponent’s moves – or indeed, call his bluff. You’ll also need to pay careful attention to your bankroll as it’s very easy to get sucked into what is known in poker terms as a tilt, a reckless state of mind in which the player is tempted to make several consecutive uninformed choices. It’s therefore worth getting a few tips before embarking on online poker.

In short, for the discerning player, poker can prove a fulfilling experience whether played live or online. Always remember to play within your means and, in the case of online gaming, make it a point to check the license of your chosen casino.

Where to get the best science education in the world Mon, 02 Mar 2015 08:00:36 +0000 There are a great many types of sciences you can study, and there are plenty of universities that have very good programs for each. Giving each a definitive rating is based on more than just which has the most students with the highest pass rates. This list is based on average ratings and consistency over ratings for a particular field.

Cambridge University (UK)

If you were looking to rank the world’s universities when it comes to science, then this grand old English institution would win. It has an academic record and prestige so that it matches Harvard in the US and Oxford in the UK, but it is slightly easier to get your research projects funded at Cambridge University, which is why it is currently the top university for a science education in the world.

Harvard (US)

This is a university that is one of the most well known in the world because it is mentioned frequently in Hollywood movies. It is an excellent business school, but is also a great place to get an education in numerous sciences. You do need to be both exceptional and rich (or get a scholarship) in order to attend.

Oxford University (UK)

This is yet another fantastic place to get a science education, and they excel in biological sciences. There are many student run companies related to Oxford University that are making breakthroughs in treatments for disease and illness.

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (Switzerland)

ETH Zürich is a very forward thinking university that is well known for its work in a range of sciences. It you are looking for more advanced courses or the chance to take your studies and your research projects into new and exciting areas, then this is the university for you.

University of British Columbia (Canada)

This is another university where even uncongenial thinking can still land you a research grant and the facilities you need to complete your work. It is a very good place to study life sciences and the university is very well run. They have many different degree programs that give you a little more choice when picking what scientific area or discipline you wish to enter.
